Hindi film Yahan Sabhi Gyani Hain has new release date, the movie will now release on 7th Feb 2020. Under the banner of Ulterior Vision Productions Pvt.ltd in association with The Future Films stars Atul Srivatsav, Neeraj Sood and Apoorva Arora. The film is produced by Siddhartha Sharma and co-produced by Jyoti Sharma. The Film is directed by Anant Narain Tripathi who has also given the story and dialogues in the film. He has also written the screenplay along with the co-producer, Jyoti Sharma.
The film is edited by Rajesh Pandey and Shirish Desai is the cinematographer of the film. Sadhu Tiwari is the music director and singer of the lyrics that Rohit Sharma has given. Also, Nishant Salil has given the background score.
Yahan Sabhi Gyani Hain stars very popular faces such as Neeraj Sood, Atul Srivatsav and Apoorva Arora who are quite famous for their versatile characters and acting. They have been seen sharing the screen with big-wigs like Salman Khan, Akshay Kumar and Ayushmann Khurana. The other stars are Vineet Kumar, Meena Naithani, Gulista, Radhey Shyam Dixit, Manju Gupta and Shashi Ranjan who will also be seen in important roles.
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source https://www.koimoi.com/bollywood-news/yahan-sabhi-gyani-hain-atul-srivatsav-neeraj-sood-starrer-gets-a-new-release-date/
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